Climbing the Trellis

God seems very different in the Old Testament than in the New. The Old Testament God is a God of vengeance, the New, a God of love and forgiveness. At the risk of finding out the Old God is barely hidden behind the appearance of the New, I asked him about this.

The answer ventured into the realm of metaphor. I believe I took the meaning correctly, but I can’t really be sure. With many people I would have pushed for a clearer response, but here I decided discretion was the better part of valor.

I was told a tale of gardening. It seems that vines do not always leap with joy to attach themselves to a trellis and wind there way upon their assigned paths. The gardener will wind such shoots as are close enough onto the trellis and will prune those that go off in untoward directions. Eventually, when the vine has covered the structure to which it has been trained, the gardener may simply take a nearby seat and bask in its beauty, enjoying the peaceful view.

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