
In my last post I was talking about how God doesn’t need us. She doesn’t need us in the aggregate and she doesn’t need us as individuals. To a certain extent, she rightly points out, that’s because there’s a lot of us, so if a few of us don’t meet her needs, well, she’s got others. But beyond that, even if all of us don’t meet her needs, even if each and every one of us ends up going down the wrong path and doing things that she just can’t stand, she can always uplift some other species, give a new animal a chance to be her chosen ones.

This leads to the notion that we don’t need to worship her. If she’ll do just fine without us then she’ll do just fine without us worshipping her. It’s pretty much tautological. But, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, some of us just seem to have an inborn need to worship. Some of us feel a need for there to be something greater than ourselves, something outside of ourselves that we can take time to acknowledge and be thankful for.

And, as we’ve just established, it doesn’t need to be God.

Take a step back and think about this for a moment. Worshipping God doesn’t really accomplish anything. The question is, would worshipping something else accomplish something? I’m not sure. Here’s what I think, though. If we have a need to worship, and certainly some of us do, then worshipping fills a need and that’s an accomplishment, albeit a purely psychological one. So worshipping accomplishes something psychologically, and knowing that, we can then look at other psychological effects and see if there’s something positive there that can be accomplished by changing the object of the worship. So here’s my proposal: Don’t worship God. Worship kindness.

What you’ll do is reinforce in your mind the worth of kindness, the power of kindness. This will make you more disposed to be kind in your every day life. As you spread the good word and get other people to worship kindness, then they’ll become more disposed to be kind as well. If we keep it up, in a little while everyone will be being kind. It’ll be a world wide phenomenon.

Wouldn’t that be a world worth living in?

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