Memory Test

It’s Memorial Day weekend. Monday is the day that we Americans set aside to honor our fallen soldiers. I was thinking about that and that got me to thinking about how we shouldn’t honor all the soldiers. I mean, some of them did horrific things. Now they may have done them because they thought they were right or even just necessary, or they may have done them because they were just following orders, but if we honored people just for doing what they thought was right, well we wouldn’t have many villains left.

I asked God about it and he said that I was on the right track. It’s important to think about these things. It’s important for us to figure out when our leaders are right and when they’re wrong. And that applies as much to religion as it does to war. Just because somebody tells us that they know what we have to do to get right with God doesn’t mean we should abandon our own common sense and our own inner guide to do what they say.

So take some time this weekend to honor those who died for our rights and those who died for our sins, but also take the time to dishonor those who took advantage of our desire to do what is right, who led us into bad wars and down paths that are paved with good intentions.

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