Weather or Not

People should move around more. Well, I should move around more, or rather, I should have moved around more.

I never really knew what I was missing. God says she arranged for me to end up in Portland because something was missing from my life. It turns out that that something was weather.

I’ve lived all my life in Los Angeles and Phoenix. These are two places that do not have weather. They have climate. Climate changes slowly. It gets colder over a period of a couple of months. Not actually cold, mind you, just colder. Clouds tend to spend a few days building up before they start pouring down rain. Things like that. Up here in Portland, though, in the couple of weeks that I’ve had to form my impressions, it hasn’t been particularly uncommon for it to be sunny in the morning, pouring rain in the afternoon and then sunny again before the sun goes down. It’s kind of cool.

But there’s one thing I’m not too sure of. I grew up with the L. A. River and when I moved to Phoenix I was near the Salt River. Both of these seem to have a pretty clear purpose; they’re where the water goes when it rains so that it can go away. Up here in Portland, though, they’ve got these things called rivers, only they have water in them all the time. I’m not so sure this is a good idea. What if it rains really hard for a few days? God tells me they can handle it, but I don’t know if I can really trust her. I mean look what she did to Noah’s neighbors.

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