After You

In the course of a day at work I go through a lot of doors. Well actually, there’s a few doors that I go through, in aggregate, a lot of times. Now the people up here in Portland are a courteous bunch. I’ve already remarked on how polite the drivers are, though I’ve only mentioned that from the perspective of a fellow driver.

Now that I’ve been walking to and from work I’ve seen another side of the drivers. There deferent almost to a fault to pedestrians. I’ve had drivers stop their cars half a block away to let me cross the street. When I wasn’t even at a corner. It’s a little mind-boggling to someone raised in L.A.

But I was telling you about doors, not drivers. There’s a lot of us moving about the office and invariably several of us will reach a door at about the same time. That means that pretty often whoever opens a door is faced with someone, or even some several, that were about to open the door from the other side. Again, almost to a fault, whoever opens the door will then hold it open for everyone that is in reasonable distance. Once everyone else has gone through, then they get to go.

It’s almost enough to make me not want to open a door. After all who knows how long I’ll end up having to stand there. I was thinking about this and asked God what she thought of it. She told me that she rather liked it. She said that it was a nice way of reminding people what it says in the Bible. In the Bible I asked? Sure, she told me, it says plain as day, “the first shall be last.”

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