Santorum Wins

I’m afraid I have to apologize to The South.

So what am I about to apologize about? I was talking to God about the ongoing debacle that is the Republican primary to determine who their going to nominate to be President of the United States. I had been noticing how many states there are where Rick Santorum has come in first. I told God that I thought it was just another way for the southern states to push forward their petulance over having lost the Civil War, that they were willing to screw over themselves too if it they could mess up the “north” by doing so. God told me that I wasn’t making any sense.

He made me go look up a map of the election results.

It became pretty clear that I couldn’t blame Santorum’s victories on the confederacy. A good third of those states haven’t even voted yet, and most of the states where Santorum has won are actually in the north. They’re not on the coasts, but they are in the north.

So hey, all you redneck, confederate-dreaming states, I’m sorry. Apparently you aren’t the only ones that want to drag us down into the mud.

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