Falling for It

It’s the middle of October, so seasonally speaking, we’re in the midst of fall. I grew up in Los Angeles and then moved to Phoenix for a decade. All the books and movies that I consumed in my life either didn’t talk about the seasons, or made some pretty clear delineations between them. Fall is crisp, the leaves change color and drop from the branches, there’s a chill in the air, and the animals are packing away food to get them through the winter.

Or so I read.

As I said, I grew up in the southwest, and not in the mountains. One season is pretty much like the rest, the temperature goes up and down, sometimes it rains in the winter and spring, but in general, my reality and what went on in books didn’t much match. God told me this week that that’s part of why I naturally gravitated to Science Fiction and Fantasy, I was used to reading about things that didn’t match the world around me. I guess my attitude was basically, well, if the world I read about is going to be “made up” at least make it interesting.

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