Another Reason Not to Like Sports

If you’ve seen anything newsish this week you know that a couple of bombs went off at the Boston Marathon. Since then we’ve heard all of the standard lines about how senseless and tragic this was, and the lines are all true and it’s just sad that they need to be said. My heart goes out to the victims and their families.

That having been said…

I told God that this firms up my resolve to never run a marathon. She asked me if that meant that I was surrendering, giving in, letting the terrorists win.

Actually, I just hate running. I tell you what though, if some terrorist bombs Disneyland, I’ll do my part to make their gesture meaningless, I’ll get on down to the park just as soon as I can manage and buy the most expensive annual pass I can afford.

Of course, I may do that even if they don’t blow it up.

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